The Sims - Makin' Magic

The Sims - Makin' Magic



While playing, press [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + C, then type the

following codes:

Code Result


klapaucius - $1000 Simoleons

rosebud - $1000 Simoleons (if using v1.1 or higher)

water_tool - Make your home an island surrounded by water

set_hour # - Change time of day to # (1-24)

sim_speed # - Game speed to # (-1000 to +1000)

interests - View personality and interests of your Sims

autonomy # - Change how Sims think on their own (1-100)

grow_grass # - Grow grass # (1-150)

map_edit on/off - Edit the map

route_balloons on/off - Basic tutorial on/off

sweep on/off - Shows ticks of the game

tile_info on/off - Show or hide tile info

log_mask - Set event logging mask

draw_all_frames on/off - Draw all frames on and off

history - Dumps family history file

edit_char - Open Create-A-Character screen

draw_floorable on/off - Floorable grid

draw_routes on/off - Selected person's path displayed

move_object - Move any object

prepare_lot - Check and fix required lot objects

preview_anims on/off - Preview animations

rotation (0-3) - Rotate camera

house # - Autoload indicated house #

visitor_control - Toggle allowing visitors to be

controlled via keyboard

! - Repeat last cheat

; - Separate multiple cheat commands




Submitteed by: Sim

Type the rosebud cheat then type the !;!;!; cheat until you get to the

end of the box but instead of finishing it properly put in a different

letter and then just keep your finger on ENTER your money will go up and

up very fast the works on most of the Sims.




Submitted by: 11098

To make your sim happy:


-hold ctrl shift c

-enter the code move_objects on

-this code will let you move anything you want

-go to buy mode

-delete your sim

-go to live mode

-click on the deleted sim's face

-the sim should come back




Submitted by: BENBOW THE GAMER

If your sims are on a red crystal, press at the same time ctrl+alt+c.

type the following: move_objects on. save the game. Click on your sim

and delete him. Click on live mode and press on the sims face.

If you saved the game before doing this, you will see that the crystal

has turned green again and the sims modd is excellent.

He has still got all his relationship and job points.

If you don't save before doing this, you will loose these.