The Sims 2

The Sims 2



Update by: karolis

Update by: george

Update by: From:Ryno(the finch)Van Zyl

Update by: ELITE GAMER B

Update by: jamie butler

Submitted by: Viktor Gjoreski

NOTE: These are the main codes for The Sims 2 that are usually applied

by typing text in-game, or by bringing down the game console. Please

find the instructions on how to use these cheats below.

To enter cheats in The Sims 2, first open the command console by simultaneously

pressing [Ctrl]+[Shift]+C. Note that codes are case-sensitive:

Kaching - Adds 1,000 simoleons

Motherlode - Adds 50,000 simoleons

expand - Expands or contracts the cheat window

moveObjects on - Turns moving of objects on

moveObjects off - Turns moving of objects off

aging -on - Turns aging of sims on

aging -off - Turns aging of sims off

autoPatch -on - Turns game autoupdate on

autoPatch -off - Turns game autoupdate on

slowMotion [value] - Make you set the game speed (# = 0 to 8, 0 is normal)

deleteAllCharacters - Remove all Sims

help - Lists all the cheats in the game

help [cheatname] - Displays specific information about the cheat

exit - Closes the cheat window

tyidio - gives you a free plasma screen tv

sonysquad - gives you 5,000,000 simuleons.

moneymoneymoney - gives you 10,000,000 simuleons.


open the console by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C simultaneuosly.then press the `

button under escape on your keeboard.then type kaching or motherlode and

press enter.note that the cheat screen did not close.then press the up

button and the previously typed cheat wil appear enter and

continue so forth till your hearts content.





"PostProcessing" Cheats:


To use The Sims 2 cheats listed below you must have the "PostProcessing"

cheat enabled. Please note that you must have a video card that can handle

pixel shaders in order to successfully use this cheat. If your card doesn't

have pixel shaders, the screen will most likely go partially dark, and will

not come back until you turn off PostProcessing:

boolProp enablePostProcessing true - Turns postprocessing on

boolProp enablePostProcessing false - Turns postprocessing off

bloom [r g b #] - Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0)

vignette [centerX centerY #] - Adds a blur effect from the specified

(# is blur amount = 0.0 to 1.0)

filmGrain [#] - Makes the screen grainy (# = 0.0 to 1.0)

letterBox [#] - Adds a letterbox effect to the view (# = 0.0 to 0.4)

Command-line Parameters:


Start the game with one of the following command line parameters to activate the

cheat function:

-f - Full screen

-w - Run game in the Window

-r<width>x<height> - Set screen resolution

-nosound - Disable sound


Submitted by: coner54



To enter cheats in The Sims 2, first open the command console by simultaneously

pressing ctrl-shift-c.

Note that cheats are case-sensitive.

Some of the cheats that can be used here are as follows:

help - lists all the cheats in the game.

help [cheatname] - displays specific information about the cheat.

exit - closes the cheat window.

expand - expands or contracts the cheat window.

moveObjects on/off - removes footprint limitation for all object placement

in Buy Mode and Build Mode. Removes limitations placed on hand tool for when

objects are in use, or are normally non-movable objects. Is known to cause

issues with game elements, routing, hidden object generation and manipulation, etc.

Note that using this cheat allows you to delete objects that normally cannot be

deleted, such as Sims, the mailbox, and the garbage can. If you delete these

objects, there is no way to get them back, so be careful!

aging >on/off - prevents Sims from aging. This can disrupt the carefully tuned

gameplay balance, and will prevent little Johnny from ever growing up, so treat

this cheat with care as well.

autoPatch -on/off - This cheat lets you re-enable notifications when there is a

game update available for The Sims 2. Just turn Autopatch on and go to the Custom

Content Browser (the little snowflake button on the UCP in the neighborhood).

If therees an update available youell be asked whether you want to download it.

slowMotion [value] - The slowMotion cheat takes one parameter: the "slowness"

setting (such as slowMotion 4). This value ranges from 0 to 8 where 0 is normal

speed and 8 is the slowest speed.

boolProp enablePostProcessing true/false - enables the use of postprocessing

cheats (see below); very useful for movie making (also see below). Please note

that you must have a video card that can handle pixel shaders in order to successfully

use this cheat. If you use the cheats and you donet have pixel shaders, the screen

will most likely go partially dark, and will not come back until you turn off


If you turn on postprocessing, and you turn on cinematics, and a cinematic plays,

you may also experience unwanted graphical glitches.

bloom [r g b x] (rgb is color) (x is the bloom amount) [0.0 - 1.0] - This cheat adds

a blur effect, like a sitcom flashback moment. Must have entered boolProp

enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.

vignette [centerX centerY X] (X is the vignetteing factor) [0.0 - 1.0] - Adds a

blur effect from the specified center. Using "vignette 0.5 0.5 0.5" should put some

blurry bits at the edge of the screen. Vignette 0.5 0.5 1.0 is maximum edge blurryness.

Must have entered boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.

filmGrain [val] [0.0-1.0] - This cheat makes the screen grainy. Must have entered

boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.

letterBox [val] [0.0-0.4] - Adds a letterbox effect to the view. Must have entered

boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.



Submitted by:Joseph

Push CTRL+SHIFT+C To Bring Down The console Then Type One Of The Following:

Code Result


Kaching - 1000 money

expand - expand the cheat window

moveObjects On/Off - turns it on or off

slowmtion # - make you set the game speed (#= 0-8, 0 is normal)



Submitted by: steve

to add 1,000 simoleons hold ALT+CTRL at the same time. then a box will

appear and type in kaching . you will find this very useful when trying

to do well in a job or make your sims happy. even buying a big house for

a family. you cannont use this cheat on the neighbourhood screen so if

you want a certain family to buy a big house first move into a small

house for the amount of money you have (or less) then add the money then

move out and then move into the house you wanted to move into.

This is an update to previous cheat I submited....

Ok. for some quick cash Hold Ctrl+Shift and press C then a small box at the

top of the screen will come up type in kaching and press enter and you have

1,000 simolenos... but for faster cash I found this little trick out just

do the samething hold Ctrl+Shift and press C then the box will appear..

ok now listen cafeful there is a key that has ~` it is left of the 1 and

top of the tab key what you do is hit that and the box will come down

filling about 1/4 the screen... ok now type in kaching and before you

hit enter highlight it with your mouse cursor and copy it useing the

keyboard method holdt Ctrl and hit C for copy then hit enter and you

will get 1,000 simoleons then instead of typeing it back out hold Ctrl

and press V to paste and hit enter and you have anohter 1,000 kaching

without typeing it and the box does not dissapear.. so get a little rythem

going and you will have quick cash fast.. P.S. to clear the box out of the

wa when you have enuf cash you can get your hands on hit the same key you

did to make the box big and press enter with only the kaching in selected

or it will not disapear..



Submitted by: lisa

to get more money on the sims 2 press ctrl and shift down at the same

time and c , a box should come on the screen at the top type in the box

KACHING abd press enter do that for a while and enjoy thee money your

sims can spend.


Adding 50.000 (money):


Submitted by:Ryan

Press ctrl+shift+c, type in the box "motherlode" then press the enter button.

This way is faster than typing "kaching".

It was a hard work to find this cheat.



Submitted by: jeroen

Combine aspiration rewards for even bigger boosts. For example,

if your Sim is wearing a Thinking Cap and feeds Smart Milk to their Toddler,

the Toddler builds skill four times as fast!



Submitted by: jeroen


Code Result


Motherlode - 50,000 Sim dollars.

StretchSkeleton - Changes Sim's height.

Vsync on/off - Turning off for better game performance with some

graphical errors.

FaceBlendLimits on/off - Turns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents

the normal corrections the game will make for two

parents with very different facial structures.

DeleteAllCharacters - Removes every Sim from the neighbourhood.

TerrainType desert/temperate - Toggles between two terrain types.




Submitted by: Spike-101


A very quick way of making your money is by first

brining up the cheat box by pushing CTRL+SHIFT+C

and typing in "motherlode". You money will go up by

50,000. Now just press the up button and press

enter after that, and carry on doing this until you are

satisfied with the amount of money you have.


Invisible Sim:


Submitted by: Bonek

Enable the StretchSkeleton code and use the following value:

100000000000000000000000000000000000.0. Note: This will affect

how tall the Sims will be. 1.0 is normal. Your Sim will be so

tall that they cannot be seen. Exiting out of the game will

deactivate the code.



Submitted by: Niloy M. Reza

If you want your toddler to learn things 4 times faster.Then you have to make an

adult sim were a Thinking Cap and feed Smart Milk to a sim who is a toddler.


Get 50000 simoleons in 5 seconds:


Submitted by: stefy

while in game activate console with ctrl, shift,c and type the following


And guess what you instantly have 50000 simoleons !!!!!Reapeat the code

for more money!!!!