The Sims - Superstar

The Sims - Superstar





there are nearly all the cheats for super star here:

You push and hold the following buttons:

Shift, control, c

That will get you to the cheat screen in the upper left corner.

Use a exclamation poit to enter a cheat repeatedly and a semicolon

to enter more than one cheat at a time

also.. you can enter multiple cheats at once by typing a ; between cheats..

such as the following for money "rosebud; !; !; !; !" etc

Now enter a code below:


rosebud - gives you 1000 dollars (Does not work in Version 1.1)

WATER TOOL - you can put water around your home

CAM_MODE - Camera Toggle

MUSIC - Music toggle

SOUND - Sound toggle

HTML - Web page creation toggle

SOUNDEVENT - Toggle sound event

RELOAD_PEOPLE - Total reload of skins, animations, suits, people

SET HOUR - set (1-24) what time you want to get up

SIM_LIMIT <milliseconds> - Set max milliseconds for simulator SETSPEED-(-1000 to +1000)

SIM_SPEED <-1000-1000> - Set sim speed

INTERESTS - it will let you change your personalitys and interests

AUTONMY - let's the sims to think on their own (0-100)

GROW GRASS - make the grass tall or short (0-150)

MANSION - The Best House

BUBBLE_TWEAK <Z offset> - Set thought bubble z offset

ASSERT - Force assert to test

SIM_LOG END - Stop sim logging

SIM_LOG BEGIN - Start sim logging

DEBUG_SOCIAL - Show social dialogue choices

DRAW_ORIGINS - Show person's origin

DUMP_HAPPY - Send person's recent interactions to file

DUMP_MC - Send person's motive contribution curve to a file

EDIT_GRASS <number> - Make grass change value

LOT SIZE <number> - set lot size

EDIT CHAR - Create a character mode

DRAW_ROUTES ON - Show person's route

DRAW_ROUTES OFF - Show people's Route off

HISTORY - Save family history file

HIST_ADD - Add new family history stat to family

IMPORT <FAM File> - Import Family file

VISITOR_CONTROL - Toggle to control visitors with keyboard

LOG MASK - Set event logging mask

DRAW_FLOORABLE ON - Enable floorable grid

DRAW_FLOORABLE OFF - Disable floorable grid

MAP EDIT ON - self explanitory on

MAP EDIT OFF - self explanitory off

MOVE_OBJECTS - Move any object

PREVIEW_ANIMS ON - Preview animations on

PREVIEW_ANIMS OFF - Preview animations off

PREPARE_LOT - Fix required lot objects

ROTATION <number 0-3> - Rotate camera

ROUTE BALOONS ON - Enable basic tutorial

ROUTE BALOONS OFF - Disable basic tutorial

LOG MASK - Event logging mask set

DRAW ALL FRAMES ON - Draw all frames

DRAW ALL FRAMES OFF - Disable draw all frames

TILE INFO ON - Show tile info

TILE INFO OFF - Hide tile info

SWEEP ON - Enable ticks

SWEEP OFF - Disable ticks

Repeats Last Cheat Typed In


Press shift+ctrl+alt+c then ! - Repeats last cheat code entered.

To do more than one repeat type in !;!;! , etc. As many as you like



Submitted by: Brandon Osborne

If the Obsessed Fan comes to your house, goto but mode, and buy the

voodoo doll. Click on it and it should say Use on Obsessed Fan, using

the voodoo doll on him will make him leave

If you have Unleashed, and the Obsessed Fan takes a picture of a dog a

whole group of dogs will attack the Obsessed Fan and will make him leave

If you have Livin' Large, you can make the clown come over by being in a

bad mood or by buying his picture in buy mode then viewing his picture a

lot of times. If the clown comes over while the Obsessed Fan is there,

then the Obsessed Fan will freak out and leave.

1,000 Simoleons:


Submitted by: Pangeran Akbarsyah

Press Ctrl + Shift + C then type in the word rosebud.

Press Enter and you now have 1,000 more simoleons.

Move Objects:


Submitted by: Pangeran Akbarsyah

Press Ctrl + Shift + C then type in the grey box: Move_objects on .

That allows you to move anything in the game and can be very useful.

To turn this code off press Ctrl + Shift + C then type in the grey box

: Move_objects off



Submitted by: Aled.P

Hers A easy way 2 get loads of money. Hold Shift, ctrl, c.

And type in Rosebud (probally already submitted) and then type ;: (Rosebud;:) And hold enter. it

will say "no such cheat" but your money will keep going up by 1000's as long as you hold enter.