The Sims - Vacation

The Sims - Vacation

This is a cheat that works in all of The Sims:


Submitted by: Courtnay Murphy

To get your sim on to full stats (Hunger, Energy, etc), tell them to go to

bed. Then, when in the bed, go into Buy mode (F2) and press "Ctrl, Shift

and C" to get the cheat box open, then enter:


move_objects on

and press enter. This will let you delete things you couldn't before, like

the mice, mailbox and rubbish, (be careful about what you delete). Then,

while your sim is asleep in bed, delete the bed. Then go back into Play

mode (F1) and right click on your sims face block (like you would do to

center and follow them). And your sim should be happy happy happy!


Caution, by doing this when your sim has a job and has a couple of bars in

the Cooking, Mechanical, Logic, etc it will revert you back to your previous

position in your career and remove the bars you gained by studying, playing

chess, working out etc.



Submitted by: Piet Truter

Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display

a prompt in the upper left corner of the screen.

Enter one of the following codes to activate the cheat


Move_objects on = to move samsieng

rosebud !;!;!;!;! = jou kan moev the ! an ; and newer

stop myks $ manie $



Submitted by: Michelle


if you press ctrl+alt+c all at the same time a small green box wil

appear int he corner of your scree, in this screen write...klapaucius.

this cheat is for the first sims for the expansion packs, do the same

ctrl alt thing, but in the boz put in...rosebud. this cheat allows you

to get more money, if you do this lots of times in this

klapaucius;klapaucius;klapaucius you will get a very lot of money.

and i will let you in on something else if you do about 10 of the

rythms above, and make 1 mistake keep pressing enter and you will

get a lot of money without having to retype all the time.



Submitted by: Haspa

Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display

a prompt in the upper left corner of the screen.

Enter one of the following codes to activate the cheat


Note: Enter [Exclamation point] at the prompt to repeat

the last cheat entered. Enter a [Semi-colon] between

codes to enter multiple codes at the same time.

Quick money:


Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud;: as a code.

Then hold [Enter] so that \"No such cheat\" begins

to flash. Keep the key held to gain up to 99 million


Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud as a code,

then enter !;!;!;!; and so on. Every \"!\" results in

another 1,000 simolians.

Enable cheat mode and enter rosebud as a code, then

enter !;!;!;!;! and so on. After your last exclamation

point, type a semi colon then a colon. The end of your

entry should look like !;!;!;!;: Then, hold [Enter].

The \"No such cheat\" message will flash. Hold [Enter]

to quickly get up to 9,999,999 simoleons.

Full need meters:


If your Sim is very depressed or has another low

attribute, enable the move_objects_on code and pause

game play. Click on the Sim in buy/sell mode and click

the bottom of the screen to delete him/her. Once deleted

go to the live mode and double clock the person's head

icon to go to where that Sim is located. Everything should

be close to full. Note: Wave the game immediately before

performing this cheat, or you will lose any career changes

or points you have earned.

Easy money:


Those pesky flies are actually worth something. Enable the

move_objects on code. When flies enter your home, go into buy

mode, select the flies, and delete them for 468 simolians.

Go on vacation forever:


When you go on vacation, spend about every other day just using

the metal detector. You will find enough money to pay for your

room charges and food.

Buy mode while in live mode:


Go into buy mode then click live mode and quickly move the pointer

over the chair icon and quickly click multiple times until the Sim's

face appears. If done correctly, the cursor will look like the buy

mode cursor and you can move objects while in live mode. Note: To move

Sim or bills, enable the move_objects on code.